
How to Land an Entry-Level Salesforce Job

By Bradley Rice

Landing an entry level Salesforce job in the world of Salesforce can be tough for many individuals. They grind for months on end, spending hours applying for jobs and studying for certs, only to find that their work shows no results.

Yet we hear all the time how many job opportunities are available in the Salesforce ecosystem, and how companies are desperate to hire these individuals. In this article, I will walk through tried and tested methods to land your first job in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Your 1st Certification 

Your 1st Salesforce Certifications is typically one of the easiest ways to learn Salesforce. You have a set curriculum, and a structured learning path that can guide you through the Salesforce platform.

This certification will show your commitment to a Salesforce career, and lets employers know that you have a certain level of technical understanding. 

But how many certifications do you need to land a job? You may have heard a common myth that you need 3-5 certifications to stand out, and if that number sounds daunting, I’ve got some great news for you. 

For entry level salesforce jobs, you may be surprised to find out you really only need one! If you already have a few certifications, that’s not a bad thing, it can certainly give you an edge. But in my opinion and from the success of some of my students, there are other things to focus on other than getting as many certifications as possible. 

So yes, that first certification is absolutely key, but before moving on to attempting the 2nd certification, let’s talk about what else we should be doing to have the biggest impact on getting a job offer!

Personal Branding

With so much hiring activity going on in the Salesforce ecosystem, there is only one place you need to be, LinkedIn! This is the single most valuable place to showcase who you are, and why you are the best candidate for the job.

You might be asking yourself “Isn’t my resume the most important place to showcase who I am?”, in my opinion, not even close. Most employers won’t look at your actual resume until the interview is scheduled, this means your LinkedIn profile is doing the heavy lifting, and first impressions will determine if you’re worth continuing with in the process. 

So how can you make your LinkedIn a powerful personal branding tool?

  • LinkedIn is more than just a list of your skills, and experience. It’s a living, breathing profile. This means that potential employers can see what you post about, what you comment on, and what articles you write. So it’s important to be engaged and show employers how immersed you are in the Salesforce space.
  • It’s also inherently a social media platform, which in my opinion is underutilized. This means that a well-crafted post and some LinkedIn content strategy can have your posts trending. This has the potential for your post to be seen by 1000’s, even if you don’t have many connections! This is a fantastic way to get hiring managers and recruiters to view your profile.
  • Sending and receiving recommendations is a key part of building up your LinkedIn profile. This is a fast way to build trust with employers who are hiring, by potentially removing a need for references. 
  • You can also feature content on your profile. This could be anything from a real-world project you have worked on, to an article you have written about passing a Salesforce exam.
  • For more information on Linked Branding take a look at the LinkedIn for Salesforce Pros videos here as well as the LinkedIn Weekly Checklist.

Real World Experience

This is the section where most potential Salesforce professionals fall flat. Unfortunately certifications alone are not enough, ALL employers want real world experience! But how do you get experience if you can’t land a job? 

Read More: How Do I Get Salesforce Experience?

  • One of the most common ways is to volunteer for companies that need Salesforce expertise, but don’t have the budget. These companies are mostly Nonprofits, so you can get experience, and help out a great cause in the process.
  • You can also complete real-world scenario-based projects in your Developer or Playground Org’s.

In addition, Salesforce Superbadges on Trailhead are a fantastic way to challenge yourself in a real-world, simulated problem.

Your Job Search 

Once you’ve completed all the above steps, it’s easy to get over confident with your job search. I mean, it’s not hard to apply for jobs, right?

While it’s easy to apply for jobs, the strategies you need to employ in order to turn the heads of hiring managers needs to factor into everything you do. Here are a few points to ensure you are as prepared as can be…

  • When searching for jobs do you apply for roles that “require” 2+ years of experience? If not, you should be. This is because most employers ask for exactly what they want, not what they are willing to accept. This means they want 2+ years of experience, but if they find someone who interviews well, clicks with the team and fits the budget there is always room to negotiate. I
  • Ensure you are not simply clicking “Apply now”, and then move onto the next job. Take time to send personalized messages to the hiring managers and create a meaningful connection.
  • Take time to ensure you are prepared for the interview. Practice interview questions, understand your strengths and weaknesses in order to focus on topics that favour you. 
  • Do you have a backup plan to dodge questions you aren’t comfortable answering, while still ensuring you sound professional and confident?
  • Are you following up after interviews? Try and stand out from the crowd when following up, learn how here

Read More: 30 Salesforce Admin Interview Questions & Answers

Take Action!

So what should we do now? For more information on how to land jobs in the Salesforce space using more than just certifications take a look at the video here! To streamline the process with guided step by step videos and a daily checklist try out the Free 5 Day Salesforce Challenge!

  • If you don’t have your 1st certification yet then your first step is to get certified! The Salesforce Administrator certification is the first certification to focus on.
  • If you are already certified then you need to create an impressive LinkedIn Profile!
  • If your LinkedIn is already looking super fly then be sure to focus on getting real-world experience, take a look at this article to dive in!
  • If you’ve done all of the above then it’s time to start applying for jobs with impact using the strategies mentioned above! 

Remember that each individual’s journey is different, focus on your own goals and your own achievements rather than on others. Stay focused on what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, be consistent and you will achieve greatness. To find a community of Salesforce Professionals and Enthusiasts just like you be sure to join the Salesforce For Everyone Facebook Group and dive into the Ohana!

The Author

Bradley Rice

Founder of Talent Stacker and the Free Salesforce 5 Day Challenge


    Michael Sibthorpe
    May 11, 2021 8:57 pm
    Networking is also one of the best tools to get noticed and build a brand beyond a digital impression. Join local Salesforce Communities. When life gets back to normal join 'live' community meetups and network your brand. Company hiring is driven by individuals who first look at your skills and then quickly pivot to their impression of you and future considerations as a colleague and peer.
    Alex Muhwezi
    May 12, 2021 4:21 am
    That's powerful,. Have a question. How can I write a powerful CV that interests an employer?
    March 21, 2022 5:14 pm
    Very helpful content... working on my first certification and will tell you how your tips worked :)

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